Extreme cycling – down the side of a volcano!

This video clip from a Japanese program shows a cyclist exceeding 100 mph as he careers down the steep slopes of a (presumably extinct, or at least inactive) volcano. He makes it the first time. The second time, at a speed of 107½ mph, his bike can’t take it any more, and comes apart beneath him as he wipes out spectacularly.

Even in my madcap younger days, I don’t think you could have paid me enough to try that!



  1. IIRC, the cyclist was French and the volcano was in Central or South America. The bike frame was carbon fiber, but the front fork tube just couldn't take the stresses and shattered.

    The guy's got stones, I'll give him that :-).

  2. Does it make me a bad person that I cracked up at his wipe out? I cringe when I see bystanders get hurt, but when someone's risks pay out for them, I find it quite hilarious.

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