Out of the 1,159 blog posts I’ve made over the past year, these are the ones that most made me smile, or think, or even cry.
Wednesday, January 2nd: Sam the Sex God.
Sunday, January 6th: Wolves fishing.
Saturday, January 19th: Jasper Carrot sings about his Bantam Cock.
Friday, February 8th: Men, romance and beer.
Tuesday, February 19th: Rogue SEAL team in action.
Wednesday, February 27th: A sudden and acute failure of the victim selection process.
Friday, February 29th: Rogue waves.
Monday, March 3rd: Gratuitous self-torture, caught on video.
Tuesday, March 11th: Japanese TV stunt.
Thursday, April 10th: Creative, witty steampunk; and, on the same date, how not to get a roll of cable up the stairs.
Monday, April 14th: The hazards of parking on a snow-covered surface.
Monday, May 12th: Farewell to a true heroine.
Tuesday, May 13th: Some amazing photographs of predator and prey.
Tuesday, May 20th: Sonar’s come a long way.
Thursday, June 19th: They built a monument to WHAT???
Tuesday, June 24th: Of whisky, warfare and weapons of mass distraction.
Thursday, June 26th: Absolutely the worst music video I’ve ever seen!
Friday, June 27th: Human ovulation captured on camera.
Sunday, July 20th: Weekend Wings #25: Air gunners. (This edition of Weekend Wings still attracts more hits from search engines than any other. I guess air gunners aren’t well covered in other online sources of information.)
Wednesday, July 23rd: When police become accessories to murder.
Sunday, July 27th: Remembering Mike.
Tuesday, July 29th: Epic TV reporter FAIL!
Thursday, August 7th: The craziness of gourmet bottled water prices.
Monday, August 18th: So that’s what they mean by ‘trouser snake’!
Sunday, August 24th: Why awards often aren’t worth the paper they’re printed on.
Saturday, August 30th: Lessons learned from Hurricanes Katrina and Rita in 2005.
Thursday, September 4th: Well, look what the wind blew in!
Saturday, September 6th: A recipe for neighborhood peace and quiet.
Friday, September 12th: More information than I needed!
Tuesday, September 16th: What happens when a Formula 1 driver takes his wife for a spin?
Thursday, September 18th: Iceberg of the year?
Sunday, September 21st: Lest we forget.
Monday, September 29th: So much for the cult of wine!
Thursday, October 2nd: It’s Ig Nobel time again! (This article was linked by Reddit, and as a result has attracted more viewers than any other article of the past year – over 10,000, at last count.)
Sunday, October 12th: The world on a very small scale.
Thursday, October 16th: Sniggers of the day.
Saturday, October 18th: A loo with a view?
Monday, October 20th: Mind-bending music?
Saturday, October 25th: Is belly-dancing really good for you?
Sunday, October 26th: The results of ‘Oops’!
Sunday, November 1st: ‘I love you, Mum’.
Tuesday, November 11th: If you’re feeling sorry for yourself – think of Hannah.
Friday, November 14th: The perils of gossip.
Tuesday, November 18th: Lessons learned from home repairs.
Sunday, November 23rd: A fish out of water!
Tuesday, November 25th: The future of books and reading.
Thursday, November 27th: A sad finale to the Chagos Islanders’ last appeal.
Sunday, November 30th: The healthy, happy farmer . . .
Sunday, December 7th: Awwwww!
Monday, December 8th: Ninja? NOT!
Wednesday, December 10th: OK, this is insane!
Friday, December 12th: Doofus Of The Day #120
Wednesday, December 24th: The night Christmas became real.
I hope you’ve enjoyed reading them as much as I have writing them. If you have other favorites of your own, please add them in Comments.
I have starred this one for later review. I looked at a couple of them and I know that they are probably all ones that will end up in my “share” list either as funny or meaningful. What a wide range you have. Thanks for sharing.