For Calvin & Hobbes fans

I thoroughly enjoyed the comic strip ‘Calvin & Hobbes‘ during its 10-year lifespan, and invested in the three-volume hardbound boxed set for my library.  I know I’m not alone in considering it perhaps the best comic strip of the last quarter-century.

I was pleased to recently come across a complete collection of all the Calvin & Hobbes strips online.  I don’t know whether it’s been legally posted or not – the host doesn’t specify – but it’s great to be able to have quick access to them in date order.  You can also download the complete collection in a .ZIP file.

I just thought I’d mention the site here for the benefit of those who, like myself, remain fans of the strip.



  1. Thank you very much for posting the link. I've been reading CaH and I laughed until I cried. What a great strip!

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