Going viral?

For some reason my post about the erroneous CBS poll about gun ownership in the USA appears to have gone viral.  Starting in the small hours of this morning, there have been well over 5,000 visits today to that post alone.  There’s no indication of where they’re all coming from.  Can anyone tell me?

Regardless of the source, a hearty welcome to all my visitors!  Thanks for dropping by.  I hope some of you will stick around and join the fun here.



  1. I'm going to have to look, but I think you got some of your years mixed up. The highest admitted ownership year was 1978 at 53%. In 1994 it was about 43%. Personally, I'd attribute that to the continuing movement of population from rural areas [as well as smaller families there and in cities and suburbs] to urban and suburban areas.
    But un absolute numbers in 1978 there were about 100M households with guns and in 2015 about 115M [that will admit it]. Hmmm, that's a 15% increase.

  2. Two things.
    First, Sarah Hoyt has been a late night Instapundit poster for quite some time now.
    Second, in self defense a lot of us pro gun folks have learned to use social media to our advantage and pass along any well reasoned arguments in an effort to present a united front against the rabid anti gun crowd.
    As for polls in general, I suspect this is the year the more sensible amongst us come to the realization that polls are at best a momentary sampling of the current mood, and at worst wishful thinking if not intentional deception.

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