The Great Tennessee Marijuana Bust

I’m amazed at the story of a marijuana growing operation that was discovered by police in Tennessee. Briefly, the growers tunneled into a system of natural caves beneath this house:

and set up a farming operation with hundreds of marijuana plants, irrigation and air-conditioning systems, and even security doors.

They even dug a 150-yard tunnel to an escape hatch concealed beneath a hydraulically-raised rock!

All most ingenious. Obviously an enormous amount of time, effort and money went into this operation – and it’s all wasted now, after its discovery.

There are lots more pictures and details at the link.

As a prison chaplain, I often thought that if criminals would only apply the same effort and ingenuity to a law-abiding occupation as they do to their crimes, most of them would turn out millionaires! It’s a shame they don’t see it that way . . . but then, no-one said that criminals made intelligent choices.



  1. Yep: it’d be a LOT less work to stay law-abiding! Good grief, the time and effort and expense these numbskulls went too…..

  2. What really freaks me out is that this is the EXACT PLOT of a mystery novel I read… about a year ago. And I’m fairly sure the author felt he was being over the top.

  3. I wonder if it even sold in this market.

    This setup is enough to even tempt me to leave Texas…*8P For the right price of course.

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