Hairy take-off

Having posted a couple of videos of “interesting” landings, here’s one of a Russian-built Ilyushin 76 jet freighter taking off from an Australian airport. One of the problems with the Il-76 is that it accelerates relatively slowly . . . and when it’s heavily loaded (as this one was, with a full cargo plus fuel for an eleven-hour flight) it’s even more so.

The commentary from the Australian controllers filming the take-off is funny and (at one point) rather profane: but given the closeness of the call, that’s not surprising. (If you’re at work you might want to turn your speakers down – there’s a very rude word near the end.)

Here’s how it went.

Close call, I’d say!


1 comment

  1. Y’know, I’d HEARD of “running out of runway”, but thought it to be a matter of …………….. exaggeration …………….. 😉

    Semper Fi’

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