A happy gathering

This afternoon and evening was spent in the company of a merry band of rogues fellow bloggers. Over a dozen gathered chez Phlegm, with plenty of good food and equally good fellowship. Needless to say, one of the kitchen counters had to be cleared to accommodate a very large collection of handguns and knives for a ‘show-and-tell’. Anyone selecting Phlegm’s apartment as the target for a burglary attempt today would have had a very short time to realize how desperately mistaken his choice had been!

We had quite a well-traveled group. Lawdog arrived from the West, Ambulance Driver and myself from Louisiana, Old NFO from further South, Farmgirl from (much) further North and West, and numerous others from closer to Dallas. Tomorrow morning, those who can make the time will be heading for a local farm to go shooting.

I was pleasantly surprised to have an online meeting with Breda and her husband Mike during the get-together. One of our number got them on an Internet camera chat circuit, and carried his notebook computer from person to person, so that we could see and be introduced to them, and could see them ourselves on-screen. Breda’s as lovely on the screen as she is through her writing, and I look forward to meeting her and Mike one day in the flesh.

JPG, Holly and I have just arrived home. It’s off to bed now, and then the drive back to Louisiana for me tomorrow. If I have time in the morning, I’ll put up a couple of blog posts to keep you amused until I’m back home and can resume normal service.



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