Miss D. and I have had a very pleasant few days in the Colorado Springs area, visiting family and friends and enjoying the many tourist traps attractions that are so abundant in the area. (We both agree that Rosie’s Diner in Monument is an outstanding breakfast venue, and we’ll make another visit there later this morning before leaving town. If you get the chance, try their Desperado Benedict [see below]. It’s yummy!)
Later today we’ll head for south-east Colorado to join friends and fellow bloggers, firearms owners and enthusiasts all, for a long weekend of shooting, food, fun and festivities. Since the first Blogorado gathering in 2009 it’s become an annual highlight for us all. Unfortunately, health issues have sometimes prevented my taking part – I had my heart attack just in time to stop me attending the first one – but this year it’s a case of so far, so good. I threatened my doctor with unmentionable consequences if my kidney stone issues weren’t sorted out in time to let me make this year’s event, and fortunately he came through.
I’m proud to call myself the “Godfather of Blogorado”. Back in 2008 I was one of the guests at a blogger gathering hosted by Phlegmmy in Dallas, TX. Farmgirl was another. We found ourselves outside together at one point during the evening, enjoying the night air. She asked thoughtfully whether anyone would be willing to travel that far if she and her family could arrange a similar gathering (including shooty goodness) in south-eastern Colorado. I assured her that we would, and promised to be among them. The rest is history. (Preens self gently, sticks nose in air. So there!)
One of the best things about the gathering is that it’s invitation-only, which ensures that those who get together are thoroughly compatible with each other. Another is that it’s isolated. We meet on the farm of one of the participants, far away from others, so we can shoot to our heart’s content without worrying about noise, range hours and so on. It’s a bit of a pain to get to somewhere so isolated – the nearest major airports are four to five hours away – but there are plenty of compensations.
Now it’s off to load the car with last-minute supplies for the gang. Apparently .22LR ammunition has been in short to non-existent supply in the area for a long time, but it’s almost back to normal where I live, so I’ve brought several thousand rounds to add to the noise level. Everyone’s also bringing contributions to the food table, so we’ll stock up on yumminess at a local supermarket: then it’s hi-ho for Blogorado! Internet access has been spotty in that area in recent years, but I’m told it’s improved, so I’ll try to post here from time to time.
See y’all on the other side!
That sounds like a lot of fun. I'd like to do that here, but I suppose the Maine highlands are perhaps too remote.
I've got a good spot though. Shoot all you want, 24/7
Have fun and be careful.
I'm jealous. I haven't even seen a box of .22 LR in years.
This is especially annoying, since CCI is located just a few hours away.
I bought 5,000 rnds in 07, in anticipation. :o)
I reload everything else. Powder and primers are coming back just in time.
Lead is recycled.
All y'all have a lot of fun, and enjoy!
Stay safe, too.
How do you define "major?" IIRC Lamar's only 90 minutes from the state corner, IF you drive the limit and observe all stop signs.
Used to go hiking in that swath of CO/OK/NM/KS on a regular basis. Lovely country if you like to be alone with the wind. And the occasional mountain lion, golden eagle, bobcat, and stray Hereford.
If you're the Godfather, does that mean you're making them an offer they can't refuse?
Hmmm- Little late for this year, but how about a Blogorado Appleseed at the next one? We put on specially tailored events for private groups all the time. Give it some thought, let me know at az@appleseedusa.org if you're interested.
Man, I'm so mad that I can't make it this year! Oh, well…there's always next year!
Have fun and eat a gigantic cinnamon roll for me!
I don't understand your comment on 22lr ammo availability. Here in pueblo colorado, since sandy hook walmarts are the only places that sell 500rds for 20-25$, and that is rarely. They sell out within minutes of stocking. Gun shops don't sell bricks. Instead 50rd boxes 4$ on up with limits on purchases. People I know here in colorado have just gotten used to not finding 22 ammo.
@pueblowestdude: I don't know why .22LR is so hard to find in CO. In TN, where I live, it's seldom seen in Walmart, and when it is it goes fast: but most gun shops have it in stock on a permanent basis, and my local gun shop (which goes to great lengths to get it) usually has at least half a dozen different brands in stock. I prefer CCI MiniMags as my general-purpose round, and the local store can usually order them for me by the thousand if I want. Price for the MiniMags is usually about 11c per round, with other brands a little (but not much) cheaper.
When I asked the people attending Blogorado whether they wanted/needed any .22LR, I got several orders for several thousand rounds, which I brought out with me. I brought a further 6,000 rounds or thereabouts to hand out as needed. It's been well received.
@ Peter: Remember when they used to pile it head high in the fall?
I haven't really looked at the prices recently.