1. It's been 30+ years. I imagine that Inigo has retired as the Dread Pirate Roberts. Probably living like a king in Patagonia.

  2. In 1984 I went with my then-significant other to see Mandy Patinkin on Broadway in:

    Sunday in the Park with George.
    (Painter George Serraut)

    Great show about the difficulty in having a relationship with one who is dedicated to something other, in this case, painting. I teared up at his song (here's a much later version, Finishing the Hat):
    The woman he loves just left him, tho he loves/needs painting more; women never understand.

    "The kind of woman willing to wait is not the kind that you want to find waiting …"

    We separated in '87; now I'm happier with my wife of almost 23 years ('95).

    The Princess Bride was a great flick, also a fine book.

    Manage expectations is one of the keys to a good life.

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