Courtesy of The Lonely Libertarian:
I’ve been that grubby before . . . but my mom, and currently Miss D., would never let me eat with hands like that!
The idle musings of a former military man, former computer geek, medically retired pastor and now full-time writer. Contents guaranteed to offend the politically correct and anal-retentive from time to time. My approach to life is that it should be taken with a large helping of laughter, and sufficient firepower to keep it tamed!
Courtesy of The Lonely Libertarian:
I’ve been that grubby before . . . but my mom, and currently Miss D., would never let me eat with hands like that!
He's doing it wrong: it's crude oil that's light and sweet, not 10W30
When hungry enough I don't care. Seldom anyone around to "correct" me. Not that any one has been able to for quite awhile. My old Swede Grampa allways said we eat a ton of shit in a life time.
What goes on in the field, STAYS in the field… 🙂
I've had that meal once or twice, not a favorite.
Mine are usually flavored with WD-40.
Trust me on this one – when, on occasion, it's necessary (one way or another) to become this grungy, I don't have any interest in even getting a hand like that (whether mine or someone else's – double-ew…) anywhere close to my face before taking "decontamination measures" – much, MUCH less having one closely-approach foodstuffs of any sort.
And "refined" petroleum products, 'specially when "supplementally-infused" with grime/used grease and/or wax/"select" bits of metal and/or plastic, do NOT feature on any sort of "condiments list"…
ThatIsAll –
That's what pants legs are for!
Well, since you've given up eating anyway, I guess it doesn't matter any more. 🙁
Gear oils is much worse than any motor oil when its time to eat.
The trick is to grab the sammich/food product by one corner and never touch it anywhere else. Nibble away till you get to that corner and toss that part.
I mechanicked for an oil well servicing company for six years. We had well pulling rigs, spudders and double drums. Nobody ate with dirty hands. Kerosene followed by hand cleaner and you were good to go. Spudder and double drum operators were very picky about keeping the rigs and pickups clean. Pulling unit operators and crews, not so much.
It is like the joke about who is the machinist in the bathroom?
They are the ones washing their hands before heading to the urinal.
Working at a service station during my high school era had a significant moderating influence on my germ phobia. My hands weren't that dirty, but being able to eat with less than physician cleanliness was liberating.
Got a friend who has that problem, and he seems to be getting worse as he ages. Touches virtually nothing without putting on nitrile gloves. He thinks it's normal.
SOMEONE'S got to feed their insides to the tapeworms.
"They are the ones washing their hands before heading to the urinal."
LOL I've done that a few times and I am not a machinist.