The height of bad taste!

I’m furious to read about a new product now appearing in shops all over the place.

An ice cube tray has gone on sale in which drinkers can make a replica of the Titanic – complete with four icebergs. The product is called the Gin And Titonic Ice Tray.

The manufacturer says it allows drinkers to ‘re-create history’ by making the two objects collide in the glass, but one critic has branded the idea ‘sick and distasteful’.

Titanic historian Brian Ticehurst has gone so far as to suggest the product is akin to making light of the September 11 terrorist attacks.

‘They are distasteful, hundreds of people died in the tragedy,’ he said. ‘How long will it be before this firm makes ice cubes of the Twin Towers to commemorate 9/11?’

Tim Brant, secretary of the Merchant Navy Association, was more measured in his appraisal, saying: ‘It is a bit of a sick idea and it is distasteful to the people who suffered and their families.

‘The sinking of the Titanic is an event that should be commemorated not celebrated.’

The Titanic sank on its maiden voyage in 1912, killing 1,522.

. . .

Company spokesman Joe Edmundson said: ‘We design housewares that are functional and fun. The Gin and Titonic is quite a good seller around the world.

‘Somebody is always going to be offended by something, especially when it involves humour with a little edge.’

There’s more at the link, including pictures.

This really makes me angry. Just because those who died did so 97 years ago, does that make their deaths any less tragic with the passing of time? I’d have thought that 1,517 dead people deserve more respect than to have their passing trivialized in this way. The comparison with 9/11 strikes me as entirely appropriate.

I can only hope that sensible people won’t buy this product, or any others from the manufacturer, Fred and Friends. Perhaps a consumer boycott might make them wake up . . . although, given the lack of taste and sensitivity they’ve so far displayed, that might be a doubtful proposition.



  1. That is pretty bad taste, I think. Perhaps it is in fact a very subtle way of pointing out to people who buy the set, how vapid and shallow they really are? I'd accept the crass commercialism explanation first.


  2. I'm trying to work up a sense of outrage, but it isn't coming. I see it as only somewhat tacky, but I like dark humor. If I went to a party and found these in my glass, I'd laugh, but I'd never buy one myself. Maybe I'm insensitive.


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