1. Heard on a rural highway west of the 100th Meridian: "Let's just hang back a little. I don't wanna be part of the wreck he's fixin' to have." And sure 'nuff, about two miles later he quit fixin' and had it.


  2. Peter, have you seen this latest Russian crash compilation from Twisted Nederland?

    Russia Car Crash Compilation || TNL

    Apparently it's so bad that people regularly equip dashcams for insurance purposes — hence all this video to choose from! (Near as I can tell, from the video datestamps, these clips are almost all from 2012!)

  3. It appears this accident was on the M5 near Somerset, England, despite the video being posted by a Russian. (Google or YouTube 'M5 motorway crash')

  4. Ah, I misread. It is on a highway called M5 near Yuryuzan in Russia, and there was a similar terrible accident on another M5 in England several months ago.

  5. Not planning on driving in Russia any time soon, but I do hang back naturally even in this country. There are a lot of really stupid risk takers in every land.

  6. It does seem like the only person "safe following distance" definitely saved was the videographer; the cars coming the other way probably couldn't get out of the way (and/or, if they weren't on CB radios like the truckers, didn't realize a catastrophe was looming behind them until it was too late.)

    Incidentally, there were [only] two deaths and seven injuries associated with this crash.

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