I think I’ll pass (on) this exhibition . . .

. . . (you should pardon the expression).  ITN reports:

Curators at Tokyo’s Science museum must have gone round the u-bend, as they have unveiled their latest exhibition, which is all about toilets.

While it may look the science museum is plumbing the depths for new exhibit ideas, staff are hoping that the attraction will give people a new perspective on toilets.

. . .

The exhibit features a 5-metre tall toilet that visitors can slide into while wearing faeces-shaped hats.

There’s more at the link.

The exhibition also features (of all things) a choir of singing toilets!  See for yourself.

So tell me . . . would you be willing to slide into a 16-foot toilet wearing a feces-shaped hat?



  1. That's a different version of a bidet. It'll probably be a feature ride in disney world in two years. :p

  2. Okay, enough with the these toilet jokes, they drive me around the S-bend!.
    Shut the lid on ém already! 🙂

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