An idea for a new business

Fancy setting up a garage and repair business for cars – particularly the faster variety? I think I’ve got the perfect location for you!

The video below shows a corner along a rally route in Finland. This is Finnish F-cup rallying, where there are no pace notes describing the route, and prior study of the road is not allowed. That would explain the, er . . . difficulties.

An alternative business, of course, might be a scrapyard!



  1. I’ve no idea whether anybody made it: but I assume someone must have, or the rally wouldn’t be going very far!

  2. LOL its a flat or reverse camber ( where things drain out instead of inn )turn. I can see why there are issues there with no pre inspection of the course . To answer the folks , my bet is that yes most made it fine , this corner tho will separate some of the ” hot rod ” folk from the real drivers . some i saw that went into the ” bin ” ( hey a word for peter lol ) did so because of panic braking . Could i do better? likely i could since i have both some training and a lifetime of driving on gravel roads . Take the trees out and i would love to run it myself . I am fat tired and old , so likely i would not win the race , but my money says i would make it around that corner lol .

  3. Love to have a birds eye view- Bet it is indeed a negative camber and probably a decreasing radius- same terrain that sucks in and spits out motorcycles.

  4. Watch and you’ll see that pretty much every car shown had the brakes locked up. One of the things you learn in race school the first day is when the wheels aren’t turning, you are going to go straight.

    These “drivers” deserve a collective Doofus award.

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