. . . you need to check and confirm your hotel booking ASAP.
The Chattanooga Choo-Choo hotel (the venue for the convention) has installed a new booking system, and the LibertyCon organizers advised that we check our reservation. Lo and behold, it wasn’t in the new system! We’ve fixed that, so we’re OK for now, but I suspect that folks who don’t check in advance may find themselves short of a room when they arrive. (Some have been moved to the Marriott hotel downtown, as the Choo-Choo has converted one of its blocks to condos.)
If you’re coming to the con, please get in touch with the Choo-Choo and confirm your reservation ASAP. If there are any problems you can’t resolve with them, please contact LibertyCon immediately.
Good heads up, thanks!
Are you going to be at LibertyCon? If so, I'll have to get paper copies of the Ames Archives. Kind of difficult to get you to sign e-books.
Yeah, we are booked into the Marriot. I'm kind of wondering if this is the last Marriot at the ChooChoo.