If you’ve got more money than sense . . .

. . . and you enjoy the John Wick movie franchise, Big Daddy Unlimited has a deal for you.  It calls this “The Continental Safe BDU“, and it contains an example of what appears to be every gun used by the main character in those movies so far.  (Click the image for a larger view.)

It even contains a hidden bar, if you’re inclined to mix alcohol and firearms (never a good idea!).  All this can be yours for a mere $100,000 . . . and, what’s more, they’re only planning to build ten of them (if they can find that many suckers who want one for their dens).

Personally, even if I could afford it, I’m not interested.  I don’t want or need all those flashy weapons;  and the safe is just a waste of space.  Besides, I can think of many better ways to use $100,000!



  1. I'd rather spend money converting an old silo or communications bunker into a man-cave, full of lots of banging stuffs.

    But, heck, if you've got money to spend…

  2. 100k is only big money to those with smaller incomes.

    If one's income is 10 million annually (which is only just over 800k a month, not a huge income and quite common in the U.S.) then 100k is a unimpressive expenditure.

    Affordability is relative.

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