I was saddened to learn that Harry Morgan, the actor who’s most famous for his role as Colonel Sherman T. Potter in the TV series M*A*S*H, died in Los Angeles today. He was 96 years old.
I can recall many happy hours spent with Mr. Morgan as he portrayed the crusty old Colonel with a heart of gold. During the 1980’s, with the civil unrest and violence of South Africa’s racial tensions all around me, he and his colleagues provided very welcome light relief. I also enjoyed his performances in the films Support Your Local Sheriff! and Support Your Local Gunfighter, comedies that brought many a smile to my face. Here’s a scene from the first of those movies, where the mayor (played by Morgan) meets the would-be new sheriff (played by James Garner).
Thanks for the memories, Mr. Morgan. You helped make the unbearable more bearable, and helped save my sanity with your sense of humor and ability to convey it. I’ll miss you.
I enjoyed him in Dragnet where he played Joe Friday's (Jack Webb) partner in the detective series.
Detective Bill Gannon was the name of his character in Dragnet
He will always be to me Officer Bill Gannon LAPD