Infarction Interruption

Gentle readers,

Peter is in the hospital from an incipient heart attack this afternoon. He’s currently in critical care and stable. However, he lacks a laptop (and I’m a few time zones away, so I can’t fetch it), as well as time and attention to blog, so no posts for the next few days.

Will keep you updated at his request; kind thoughts and prayers are welcomed wholeheartedly.

Miss D


  1. Thanks for letting us know, and I'll be thinking good thoughts in his direction.

    Get well soon, Peter!

  2. Get up and out of the hurtspital soon. Do not eat the jello. :>)

    stay safe.

    WV = reviggig – what you need to do with your heart

  3. Eat the green jello.

    It's a little-known secret that gree hospital jello is what actually makes you better…

    Seriously, get well. I'm praying…


  4. And here I was wondering why he hadn't called after asking for contact info!

    Both Spoon and I hope you get better soon, Peter!

  5. Get well so we can continue to disagree on minutia while agreeing on the big picture…

    Seriously, love, prayers and all the good things. Get Well Soon!!

  6. Thank you, Miss D.

    Peter, remember, "By His stripes, you will be healed." Mrs Crucis and I will be praying for your speedy recovery.

  7. Peter,

    Prayers for a full recovery as soon as possible to you. Prayers of comfort and peace to your family during this time. Prayers of thankfulness for the skills and care teh medical staff at the hospital are providing.


  8. I've just come across your blog,sorry to hear about your heart attack – Get well soon! I loved your previous post, its rare that I get so into a story like that!

  9. As Mostly Cajun says, eat the green jello.
    But you have to put some Tony-C's on it for some flavor.
    Any way, get well as quick as you can.

  10. My thoughts and best wishes are with you, Peter. All my best for a speedy, complete recovery!

    Thank you for the information, Miss D.

  11. Triple bypass, eh? Hang on to the pillow or whatever they give you to press against your chest – you're gonna need it for a few weeks.

    You are in my prayers.

  12. Peter, I've been on the road and just heard. I'll keep you in my prayers and you do your part by doing what the doctors tell you. Hope you get well soon. Doc

  13. Peter, I love your blog. I wish you a refuah shelemah [complete recovery]. I'm not a praying man, but I'll say a few prayers for you, I hope you don't mind, but they'll be in Hebrew.

    Jon (just another gun blog reader)

  14. Peter,
    We're praying for you. Get well.
    Ignore the advice about eating the green jello. The purple is far better.

  15. Hey Peter, it's been a while since I've read your blog, but you're in my prayers tonight. I hope you recover soon.

  16. You're in my thoughts and prayers Peter. You are a wise man to have acted so quickly. Get well my friend. I've come to look forward, daily, to your blog.

  17. I join with your many friends to pray for you. I (a Roman Catholic) will pray for you (an Anglican) at the Chapel in the Jewish hospital that I work at. So, we will be asking God for help from all directions!
    (Hospital advice: Try to get to the employee cafeteria, trust your nurses and doctor, and don't sneak outside for a smoke.) Get well soon.

  18. Found my way here via AD.

    Dude, don't freaking die, or else Satan's gonna chase you around with eternally ugly chicks. Seriously. Don't. Die.

    (Get better.)

  19. Peter,

    Though we are of different beliefs I enjoy reading your thoughts and memories because you don't judge others for their beliefs, but instead by their actions on those beliefs. When ever I am feeling down or at odds with myself, I visit your site for inspiration on what the human spirit CAN be, when we follow our hearts tempered with our heads, rather than the other way around.

    Thank you and may your beliefs carry you through this stronger and even more convicted on how to live your way. I hope to read much, much more form you, soon.

    I have lit a prayer candle for you.


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