The insanity of our politicians

We’re reading every day about the problems of the US deficit, and the enormous difficulties being encountered in Europe where several countries are in danger of being overwhelmed by their national debts, to the point of defaulting on them. Yet, what do today’s newspaper headlines tell us?

Debt Increased $203 Billion in Oct. –
$650 for Every Man, Woman and Child in America

That says it all, right there. Almost all our politicians in Washington, both Democrat and Republican alike, simply aren’t serious about addressing our deficit spending. Don’t bother listening to their words about it – look at what they’re doing (or, rather, not doing) about it.

This is insane! It’s absolutely unsupportable, unsustainable expenditure. Every dollar wasted in this way is going to come back to haunt us, one way or another, in the not too distant future . . . but our politicians continue to spend as if there’s no tomorrow. We’d better throw the lot of them out in 2012, and elect representatives who’ll listen to us, and stop this craziness – because if we don’t, we’re doomed, economically and financially speaking.

I only wish I were exaggerating or being alarmist. I’m not. The facts speak for themselves.


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