1. .44 Mag loaded with snake shot, Old NFO. Worked just fine on two big old timber rattlers about five miles northwest of the base of Mt. Shasta in Far Northern Californica, back in 1995 (one had ten buttons, the other eleven). They like to den up in the lava fields (and lava tubes) formed back when Mt. Shasta did, and come out at night for the kangaroo rats.

    Those two were out during the day sunning themselves. Unfortunately for them, it was a little too close to where my missus was doing some gardening. I couldn't let them live, not with her at risk like that.

  2. That's actually mild compared to the typical bar-hopping/nightclubbing boots in some Mexican areas. Think Arabian Nights curled toe slippers mated to western boots, on steroids.
    Can't ride or drive in them, just walk, it seems.

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