It’s a small world, indeed!

Yes, it’s that time of year again. The winners of the 2011 Nikon Small World Microphotography Competition have been announced. Here are a few of them.

The winner of the 2011 competition, Dr. Igor Siwanowicz of the
Max Planck Institute of Neurobiology in Germany, took this
photograph of a green lacewing larva at 20x magnification

Second place was taken by Dr. Donna Stolz of the University of Pittsburgh,
Pennsylvania, USA, with this picture of a blade of grass at 200x magnification

This picture, by Dr. Jan Michels of the University of Kiel in Germany,
took 9th place. It shows a ventral view of a marine copepod at 10x magnification.

There are many more images at the link – 115 of them, to be precise. Recommended viewing for those interested in microphotography.


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