Just because I can!

While searching for another video, I came across this classic Wile E. Coyote and Road Runner cartoon on YouTube.  Being a sucker for such things (yes, you can call me childish – I won’t object!), I watched it, cackling gleefully in memories of my younger days.  I thought you might like to join me.

Aaahh . . . it’s good to be reminded that it’s OK to be young at heart!



  1. 'Til the day he died, Wile E. was my Dad's favorite cartoon character ………………. even into adulthood, I would enjoy Saturday morning cartoons, of the old Warner Bros. – sad that today's generation isn't exposed to them ………………..

    Semper Fi'

  2. I made sure my kids know all about the old WB cartoons. We've been buying the DVD sets as they come out. So, when we're driving somewhere and we get lost, which happens every once in a while, someone's bound to reference a missed turn at Albuquerque… 🙂

  3. Wile E. Coyote Super Genius and the Roadrunner were the best of the Warner Brother cartoons. Although Wile E and Bugs Bunny was also very good. The cartoons back then were full of gratuitous violence and no preachy message. Unlike the lame offerings that are out today.

  4. You can never go wrong with the classics – my Saturday mornings weren't complete without the Warner Bros. cartoons.

  5. I've 20 DVDs of Loonie Tunes and Merry Melodies ranging from the late '20 through the classic Chuck Jones era into the '80s.
    I've introduced nieces and nephews to the glory that was WB.

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