Miss D. and I have just got home from the Ladies Love Taildraggers (LLT) annual fly-in in Savannah, Tennessee this weekend. You can read more about it at the LLT blog. Miss D. will doubtless write about it herself in due course. (If you aren’t familiar with the term ‘taildragger’, see here.)
The organizers went all-out to make this event a success, and did a wonderful job. I understand 58 aircraft (plus pilots, spouses, family members, friends, etc.) pre-registered for the event, most of which actually arrived; and several dozen more aircraft ‘dropped in’ for a casual visit (many flown by male pilots who’d heard of a gathering of lady pilots, and weren’t about to miss an opportunity to meet them!). Miss D.’s plane unfortunately had a few mechanical glitches, but Savannah’s only about 2½ hours away by road, so we drove there instead.
The airfield was a wonderful sight, with taildragger aircraft (and more than a few tricycle-landing-gear types as well) parked in long rows along the apron. Some dated from World War II or even earlier, including a couple of Stearman biplanes, a Beechcraft Model 18 that made some lovely low high-speed passes (to the delight of onlookers), and a few others. Many of the aircraft were experimental ‘home-built’ types – there were a couple of Van’s RV-series aircraft with performance that made the older planes look like airborne tortoises!
Supper last night was wonderful – BBQ pulled pork, chicken and ribs with all the trimmings. Tonight they laid on a steak and chicken dinner that was equally (over)filling, followed by a door prize drawing and a country music concert. Unfortunately Miss D. and I had to leave before the concert got going, to get back home in time for her to get some sleep before work tomorrow. We just got in a few minutes ago.
I’ll put up more blog posts early tomorrow morning. Meanwhile, sleep well, y’all – I plan to do likewise!