Light blogging tonight

I’m working on a couple of fairly long articles, which should appear over the next few days.  Unfortunately the research involved, plus trying to get my scattered thoughts into some semblance of order, has got in the way of other blog articles.  I’ll try to put up a few more tomorrow morning.

Meanwhile, here’s a fascinating video clip of an elderly blacksmith in England, still hard at work when most people have long since retired.  The description reads:

Britain’s longest-serving blacksmith is still forging iron in his workshop – at the age of 84. Hardy Fred Harriss, 84, first picked up a hammer and tong aged ten in 1938 and is still working every day 74 years later. He has worked back-breaking 12 hour days fixing steam engines and aircraft, as well as making railings and ornamental iron pieces. And the hardy blacksmith – who refuses to wear gloves for the blistering work – claims he will NEVER retire from the job.

I can only hope I’m as spry and active when I reach 84!



  1. What is amazing is that he uses both wrists and hands and doesn't seem to have carpal tunnel syndrome after all this time. He knows this is his passion, which is more than many can say of their life's work.

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