I have several friends in the sandbox (both of them), plus readers of this blog who’ve somehow heard about it while over there. To all of you, I send my prayers and very best wishes for a safe, peaceful and blessed Christmas. I’ll post general Christmas greetings tomorrow night, but since you’re several hours ahead of us in the USA, I figured I’d better get yours out to you ahead of time.
You all seem to have fairly raucous senses of humor (a bit like mine when I was serving!), so I thought you might enjoy Achmed the Dead Terrorist singing a Christmas carol.
For those few who haven’t yet encountered Achmed, here’s his first appearance. I guess I’d better issue a language alert for the sensitive.
Here’s Achmed’s latest effort to spread Christmas joy (sort of).
Silence…I kill you!
Too funny! Glad I found this and thanks for sharing.
Merry Christmas,Rick
Well said! And 100% agreement! Thoughts and prayers are ALWAYS said for those in the box and the pit…