More buried Spitfires?

The hunt for buried Spitfires in Burma appears to have been a bust, but now comes news from Australia that may rekindle hope in aircraft enthusiasts’ hearts.  We’ve mentioned it here a couple of years ago, but now the search is gathering pace.

James Carter and Karl von Moller have dedicated much of their spare time since 2000 to researching the possible burial site of RAAF Spitfires which were stationed at Oakey at the end of the Second World War.

They are producing a documentary titled Broken Wings about their search.

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The filmmakers have travelled to Oakey numerous times, including a stay about six years when they did a lot of filming.

They were buoyed by the discovery of Spitfire landing gear at a site between Toowoomba and Oakey.

“It kind of proves they were disposing of parts of the aircraft.”

There’s more at the link.

I hope they find what they’re looking for.  There are far too few vintage planes left in the air, so any growth in the supply will be welcome.


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