More tool-making goodness

So far we’ve seen videos from John Neeman Tools covering making a longbow and a Damascus steel knife.  Here’s how they make a traditional axe.  Watch it in full-screen mode for best results.

Their list of axes for sale is mouth-watering stuff.  I might just have to save up for one of their double bladed axes, or perhaps their Viking battle axe.  Talk about inspiration for a writer!  It might be worth the wait (they’re taking reservations only for axes right now, because their backlog is so big).



  1. Lovely stuff there. But I sort of question the need for a hand-crafted fireman's ax — and I speak as a volunteer firefighter. We have some of them, of course, but they are really more "smashing" tools than "cutting" tools. They don't have to be pretty!

  2. drjim – you are doing it wrong. What's her weakness? Mine would be a gift certificate/cash for the local quilt shop or yarn shop. ;>)

  3. The Craftmanship.
    The photography.
    The music.
    Chas Clifton, I see your point, but, for me, to possess one of these would not be about physically 'using' it, but more to admire it, and think of the years of learning, discipline, dedication, to develop and master the skill and craft, that produces this implement.
    To inspire me to be as good as I can be, and better.

  4. These are works of art and examples of true craftsmanship.
    Were I to buy one I think I would have to use it at least once, but then it would find a home in a prominent location on my wall and only be taken down periodically to clean and fondle.
    For ordinary use I will mention that an Estwing Black Eagle double bit hand axe with full metal shank can be had for around $70.
    In general most axe damage I've seen other than flagrant abuse stems from misjudging the swing and striking the handle just back from the cutting edge. There a metal shank is a real asset.

  5. Those are things of beauty. And good Lord, did you see their puukkos?

    Nosebleed prices, but durable goods in every sense of the term.

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