The video clip below is of crashes that occurred in Finland, presumably over several years of rallying in that country. Finland has, of course, produced more than its share of top rally drivers. Judging by this video, the nation’s lesser drivers aspire to the same heights . . . even if they may not have the skills to match their aspirations! The sheer enthusiasm with which they hurl themselves and their cars at the surrounding landscape is mind-boggling!
Oh, well. At least the spectators (and Finland’s automotive parts suppliers) benefit from such over-enthusiasm!
Watching the video, it appears that every racing problem in Finland is solved by applying more gas pedal and never by applying the brake.
I'm also struck (bad pun alert) by the casual attitude of the camera operators in slowly moving back just far enough to avoid being part of the wreck. Most others would run.
Perhaps the most embarrassing wrecks, though, are when the wheel falls off BEFORE the crash. I saw at least 2 in this video alone. Note also that the second, a blue car, tried to power on in spite of becoming a tripod.