The most generous boss in the world?

If not the world, then at least in Australia! The Daily Mail reports:

An Australian boss has stunned his staff by giving them a staggering A$15 million (just over US $16 million) in bonuses as a thank you for their service.

Ken Grenda and his sons gave the cash rewards to almost 2,000 staff after the sale of their 66-year-old Melbourne-based bus company Grenada Corp.

Some employees were so shocked by the gesture that they called their banks to ask if there had been a mistake in their statements.

The bonuses, averaging A$8,500 (almost US $9,100) were based on the length of service.

Some workers received A$30,000 (about US $32,000) to A$100,000 (about US $107,000) each.

The Grenda family racked in A$400m [about US $427.5 million] after selling the company to Ventura, another transport company last year.

. . .

‘A business is only as good as its people and our people are fantastic,’ said the senior Mr Grenda, who has been dubbed the ‘best’ and ‘most generous’ boss in Australia.

‘We have had people here who are second generation, and one fellow in the same job for 52 years.’

The family has been swamped with about 100 emails and countless phone calls of thanks from staff.

All staff will keep their jobs under the new owners.

There’s more at the link. Here’s a video report with more information.

How refreshing to read about that sort of generosity in a world filled with complaints about the ‘greed of the 1%’!



  1. Happens in my place of employment (privately held, entirely US-based, almost 4,000 employees) every January 31st. 3-5% of your last five years' total compensation. I'm stunned whem people leave voluntarily. People often wonder why I don't leave and I just look at them, bewildered. And yes, I do know how lucky I am.

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