This is a compilation of great . . . er, well, perhaps not-so-great moments in TV journalism! Some of them may be familiar to you, but others will probably be new.
I wonder if those journalists will start insisting on danger pay when the time comes for contract renewal?
Personally, I liked the head slaps 🙂
Yeah, Geraldo certainly needs a few slaps to the head, but if you're going to commit assault and battery, it's probably wisest not to do it in front of the news camera. I'm just saying.
I could never understand why the grape tubs are on a platform. It's bad enough to trip and fall on your face, it's even worse when the ground is artificially far away.
I feel a little bad for laughing at the plight of the woman on the back of the truck, but I laughed just the same.
As for the poor schlub who took the wingtip to the head, he illustrated one of the subtle dangers a sailplane (or powered aircraft at idle, into the wind) presents to the unwary.