1. To get my class A license in TX I had to parallel park a dry van.

    My wife still can't back up without sticking her head out the window like a prairie dog.
    I won't mention the time she backed into the side post of a 10' gate with a 5' wide car because she CAN'T USE her MIRRORS.

  2. Heck, I see drivers like this (and some worse) nearly every day. I've been a salesman for 34 years and spend a good portion of every work day on the roads. One woman who works at another firm in my building parks her big SUV with about 3 feet of the rear end protruding into the space behind every day. (She gets there early and pulls forward into a space so she can leave without backing up. Probably is afraid to back that thing up.)

  3. Gee Chris,

    Reminding me about women and SUVs is like playing a tape of my gallbladder operation on my TV just before our Thanksgiving dinner and making me watch it over and over!


  4. I see this kind of thing in parking lots all the time. It's why I warn my kids that a parking lot is about the most dangerous place they'll ever walk or drive.

  5. You did see the name of the show didn't you. Its called "Americas Worst Drivers" and it looks like she was EXTREMELY qualified for the show.

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