Not your usual docking maneuver . . .

Here’s a ferry, the former MV Ostend Spirit, being deliberately run aground at Aliağa in Turkey in November last year, prior to being broken up for scrap.  I recommend watching it in full-screen mode.

With all that mass (26,433 tons) on the move at full speed (22 knots), she comes quite a long way up the beach, doesn’t she?  She also knocks the ships on either side out of the way without any trouble at all.



  1. Doesn't look like it came that far up. Then the workers start walking down the beach towards it, and the walk… and walk, and get smaller and smaller, and you realize that the camera perspective flattens it out quite a bit, so it really is a lot larger than it first seems. Fun.

  2. Personally, I think it is a tad overkill for putting out the fire that was burning near the edge of the water. Just saying.

  3. Thanks the environmental left and the unions for making it cost-prohibitive to break these ships anywhere in the United States or civilized Europe. Now they almost all go to a few beaches in the unregulated third world where pollution and safety standards don't exist.

  4. For a size perspective, after the water recedes, take a look near the top of the ship, and see the handful of people who come out of the bridge area.

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