Oh, good grief!

Now and again something comes along that’s so outstandingly stupid, so mind-bogglingly moonbattish, that I sit and gape at my screen with open mouth for a moment, stunned, before unleashing a tirade of rather naughty words about the person or persons responsible.

Ladies and gentleman, such a person is undoubtedly one Muhammad Abdel Fadil Shousha, described as the Governor of Egypt’s South Sinai province. According to the Jerusalem Post:

Egyptian officials say they have not ruled out the possibility that a fatal shark attack in Sinai on Sunday could have been a plot by the Mossad.

โ€œWhat is being said about the Mossad throwing the deadly shark [in the sea] to hit tourism in Egypt is not out of the question, but it needs time to confirm,โ€ South Sinai Gov. Muhammad Abdel Fadil Shousha was quoted as saying by the Egyptian state news site egynews.net.

Israeli officials said the claims were too ludicrous to comment on.

There’s more at the link.

An Israeli spy agency training sharks to target Egyptians? Oh, wait – they didn’t target Egyptians. They targeted foreign tourists visiting Egyptian resorts. Clearly, this is a plot to disrupt Egypt’s tourist industry! But wait . . . how did they train the sharks to distinguish between Egyptian swimmers, and those from more foreign climes? Is it something in the body odor? The taste? The clothing? Does a Libyan suriyah or a Saudi Arabian thawb mean it’s diet time for the sharks, while a pair of Levi’s means it’s lunchtime?

I trust the CIA is looking into this. If Mossad can introduce computer malware into Iranian nuclear facilities, and tourist-eating sharks into Egyptian territorial waters, who knows what they could suggest to deal with President Chavez in Venezuela? Perhaps a genetically engineered anaconda, swimming up the sewage system of the Presidential Palace to catch him unawares the next time he visits the bathroom?


EDITED TO ADD: An Israeli reader sent me a picture that just made me howl with laughter. Click the link to see it.


  1. If the shark had a remora attached it could be all too true. I heard from an internet friend of my cousin that the Israelis have gengineered remoras to control sharks by telepathy…


  2. Now training dolphins to react to naval mines I can believe, but this seems… fishy.

    *Cue Roger Daltrey*


  3. I wonder if Mossad's HQ has a bulletin board with clippings of all the things they are supposed to have done.

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