On the road again

I’ve been getting very tired lately.  Getting my first novel out the door, and frantically rushing to complete the final edit on the second (due out in about five weeks), have seriously exhausted me.  I’ve found myself perilously close to burnout this week;  so I’m going to do something about it.

Miss D. and I are heading out tomorrow morning, en route to spend a couple of days with Brigid, Barkley and sundry other friends.  Good food awaits, as does our regular visit to the local meadery – always a highlight of our visits.

Blogging will be light for the next few days, but I’ll try to put something up at least once per day.  Say a prayer for us for traveling mercies, and for a safe journey.  I’ll be back at work next week, hopefully with my batteries recharged!


1 comment

  1. Don't worry about daily posts, Peter; put something up when – and only if – you feel like it.

    Enjoy your vacation. We'll be here when you get back

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