An outstanding flight display

I know most of the spectacular flight displays at air shows are usually performed by fighter aircraft. Their speed and maneuverability are exciting to many spectators. However, I’m personally more impressed by the displays put on by less speedy, less spectacular aircraft. If you know what you’re looking for (in terms of true mastery of the aircraft by its pilot[s]), such displays can have you on the edge of your seat, wondering how on earth they do it.

I posted a video clip of one such display, involving a World War II-vintage South African Air Force C-54 Skymaster, a few months ago. Here’s another, from this year’s Paris Air Show, given by a C-130J Super Hercules tactical transport. This is the latest version of a venerable aircraft that’s been in production for over 50 years. It’s much more powerful and advanced than its predecessors, but even so, this display is awe-inspiring. Don’t forget, you’re watching 65-70 tons of plane being thrown around the sky! It’s worth watching in full-screen mode.

That’s magnificent flying by anyone’s standards! Congratulations to the display flight crew. (It’s also a heck of a testament to the power and capability of the latest-generation Hercules . . . which is precisely the point of the display, of course.)



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