An over-enthusiastic tractor pull

From the sound of the announcer’s voice, and the few items of text visible in the pictures, I think this tractor pull took place – or, rather, didn’t take place – in Holland.

That looked like an expensive attempt!



  1. I've been to a number of tractor pulls… box stock up to the wild ones. The power those machines can build is incredible.

    I once watched Art Arfonse explode a jet turbine powered 'tractor' on a pull…. impressive way to burn cash by the metric ton.

  2. Many (most? all?) of those tractors don't even have an engine cooling system–some combination of "too much power lost", "too much mess if it blows", and "it only has to run for ten seconds or so"!

  3. Wow. Looks like a pair of really big turbine scrolls up front, and the bit that came off has a 6 port tubework on it, probably the exhaust header leading to the turbos. I'm guessing the mix got too hot and the head came off.

  4. Cash by the metric ton is right… Spent a LONG afternoon one time being the on-site fire/rescue for a tractor pull, the % of blown engines was well above 50%…

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