I’m hugely amused to read of a Lithuanian debt collector’s latest brainwave.
A Lithuanian debt collector has hired a witch to hunt down companies and individuals who are failing to pay their debts amid the credit crunch.
‘Our new employee will help them to understand the situation, reconsider what is right and wrong and act accordingly,’ said a company spokesman.
Vilija Lobaciuviene, who describes herself as ‘Lithuania’s leading witch,’ is renowned in the former Soviet republic for providing such ‘magical’ services as predicting the future and casting spells.
Well, we have one witch. Two more, and we can rewrite the witches’ brew from Macbeth, to include suitably debt-ridden ingredients, and produce payment instead of poisons!
Only one problem – since the witch practised her trade under the former Communist regime, does that make her potions proletarian-only? Or will they work on plutocrats as well?
Alas, poor Yorick! I knew him, Horatio, a fellow of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy. But he didn’t pay his bills, so….