The perils of petting a cat with a buzz . . .

Miss D. and I are over at Oleg‘s place tonight, and Gremlin is being his usual “Lord-Of-All-I-Survey” self . . . in fact, more so than usual.

A short while ago, we heard a ‘thump!’ and a rustling sound. Turned out His Lordship had pawed open a cupboard door in the kitchen (against the tension of the spring-loaded hinges holding it closed, no less), and had extracted a tub of catnip. He’d batted it around on the floor until the lid came off and spilled a large part of the contents all over the place. By the time we arrived to ‘rescue’ him (and whatever he’d found), the damage was done. He was rolling in the stuff, with catnip all over his muzzle and whiskers.

Gremlin’s now lying in the corner of the wall and the floor, trying to stand, but not quite sure how to manage it. He’s clearly as high as a kite . . . he alternately purrs like an animated buzz-saw when we scritch him, then tries to bite our hands off at the wrist. He’s quite daft at the moment. I don’t know how long catnip takes to wear off (particularly in such large doses), but I suspect he’ll still be high by the time we go to bed. We may have to fend off an over-enthusiastic midnight visitor!



  1. He'll probably be back down to Earth by the time you read this, but don't be surprised to find him in the morning having eaten a week's worth of food, sprawled on the sofa watching cartoons!


  2. When my cat's hopped up on 'nip he finds his way into a quiet corner and curls up to sleep it off. It's the only time he goes to that corner.

    He's one of the more polite stoners in the neighborhood.

  3. The Mistress of Festung Kleinrot just lays with her head on the catnip stems, after rubbing her face all over them. Then she sort of flows off to sleep in the closest sunny spot. Apparently she's on the low end of the catnip receptor scale.

  4. May I assume the cat in the picture is Gremlin? A handsome feline, and judging by the look in his eye, not to be trifled with.

  5. Yes, Raven, that's Gremlin – also known as Oleg's daddy, His Lordship, and (when he's being particularly naughty, obnoxious and stubborn) by a few other titles I can't use on a family-friendly blog such as this . . .


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