A plethora of pirates in Penzance!

Sometimes a news report just makes me smile. This is one of them.

Even Blackbeard himself would be proud to raise a crew as large as this.

But these 8,700 swashbuckling pirates were not sailing the seven seas in search of lost treasure.

They descended on Penzance in Cornwall to smash the world record for the largest number of salty old seadogs in one place.

Fittingly, the record was broken as the pirates lined the promenade in the Cornish port on Sunday, echoing the famous Gilbert and Sullivan score The Pirates of Penzance.

A total of 8,734 turned out to top the previous world record of 6,166 set in Hastings last year.

They wore bandannas, striped t-shirts, eye patches and hats, no doubt pleasing the owners of the local fancy dress stores.

. . .

The pirate gathering was part of the Golowan Festival to celebrate the traditional feast of St John.

There’s more at the link.

In response – and with pity for the pestered police of Penzance in their pirate-plagued precinct – what can I do but post one of the more famous choruses from the operetta?



  1. Now and then you hear about people arguing over which is better, to be a pirate or a ninja. I'll be a pirate any day. Ninjas don't have wenches.

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