Raven Prometheus responds!

Last Monday I put up an article about a ‘deceased’ bomb-disposal robot in Iraq. One of the commenters was Raven Prometheus, who blogs intermittently at Ruminations of the Raven-Wolf. He had a few interesting things to say about my article, and mentioned that his EOD squad had once ‘married’ two of their bomb-disposal robots to each other. This got my attention, and in another article here, two days ago, I urged him to tell us more.

It seems he read it, and has graciously decided to do just that. He’s put up a very interesting article on bomb-disposal robots in general (not least their tendency to ‘hump’ the legs of colonels), as well as details of the ‘robot wedding’. Click on over to his place to read all about it. While you’re there, please leave a comment encouraging him to tell us more! This story’s just enough to whet my appetite.Link
Thanks, Raven Prometheus. Keep them coming!


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