Remember the Trayvon Martin affair?

It’s looking more and more as if the prosecution’s case in the Trayvon Martin affair is falling apart at the seams.  Human Events reports:

The release of evidence in George Zimmerman’s murder trial quickly made a mockery of his second-degree murder charges, and threw a further layer of shame upon media and political opportunists who misrepresented a tragic, but fairly straightforward, case of lethal force employed in self-defense.

It is remarkable to take stock of this evidence and realize that it supports every single aspect of Zimmerman’s statement to the police.

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Jim Hoft at Gateway Pundit relates the discovery of video from Trayvon Martin’s YouTube account, removed at some point during the last month, that shows he was actually involved in some sort of underground “fight club.”

Also fatal to the prosecution’s case is the discovery that Martin had THC in his system – he had apparently been smoking pot that night.

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Despite the prosecution’s awareness of the autopsy reports and eyewitness testimony, they included none of it in their affidavit against Zimmerman.  Criminal lawyer and Harvard Law professor Alan Dershowitz, who has been beside himself ever since the Zimmerman charges were filed, writes in the New York Daily News that it’s time to drop the charges, but doubts State Attorney Angela Corey “will do the right thing,” because “until now, her actions have been anything but ethical, lawful, and professional.”

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Dershowitz also mentions a suspicion I’ve harbored since the weird, circus-like press conference at which Corey announced the charges: they’re a political instrument designed to buy time for everyone to cool down, leading to a long trial that dismantles some of the hysteria built up around the Trayvon Martin case.  If true, the strategy is understandable… but utterly outrageous.  The United States does not do “show trials.”  The justice system is not a safety valve for releasing unhealthy levels of political tension.  Individual citizens are not pawns to be shoved around in media games by gun-control advocates, race hustlers, or opportunistic politicians.  The purpose of law enforcement is to protect the public, not appease certain segments of it.

There’s more at the link.  Bold, underlined text in the last paragraph is my emphasis.

This is perhaps the most significant element of the case at present.  If it emerges that the appointment of the prosecutor, and her dogged pursuit of charges against Zimmerman, stem from nothing more than a witch-hunt designed to appease a potentially volatile part of the local community, it makes a mockery of Florida’s legal system.  If Federal authorities are also involved, it does the same to the Federal legal system.  I hope that this will attract the attention it deserves, and that all the facts will be uncovered.  If they are as they appear to be at present, heads must roll – and I don’t mean Zimmerman’s.



  1. This has been a strange case from the start, and I think y'all are probably right… delay to let the situation cool off…

  2. Florida will eventually be exposed to a law suit that will guarantee Zimmerman a life away from those that were enraged by false information and deliberate character assassination by the media.

    They destroyed his life. May they suffer a similar fate with their terrible decisions.

  3. I haven't followed the case closely, and it happened about 100 miles from where I live so it was on the local news.

    One thing I have looked into is the prosecutor Corey, and she appears to be (1) interested in climbing into higher office (2) 99 44/100 % political in everything she does and (3) vehemently anti-gun and anti-self defense.

    The Wikipedia article on her talks about how she prosecuted Ron Thompson, a 65 year old Army vet, and Marissa Alexander, a 31 year old Jacksonville (IIRC) woman who fired a warning shot at her (proven) abusive husband and won a 20 year prison sentence for not trying to kill him.

  4. We are not strangers to politically motivated and dishonest prosecutions here in Florida, but this one stank from very shortly after the arrest. But when the truth is plastered in front of faces in a way that nobody clearly thinking could possibly misinterpret it, there is an equally clear and predictable segment of the population that will not accept it and may quite possibly react with violence. I dearly hope I am wrong.

  5. doesn't matter if Zimmerman is guilty or innocent… with Congress and the President all but saying he was guilty there is no way that he can get a fair trial.

    The media blitz to convict him absent a trial is criminal and they are equally to blame for an unfair trail.

    BTW, i don't agree with his actions to confront Martin, but I do believe he acted in self defense.

  6. I thought I had read that Judge Nelson had barred the defense from introducing anything from Trayvon's social media accounts, anything about his trouble in school or with drugs, and all of his history of fighting.

    Plus the prosecution has lately introduced "voice print" evidence that looks very bad for Zimmerman, even though it is surely a bunch of rubbish.

  7. "and her dogged pursuit of charges against Zimmerman, stem from nothing more than a witch-hunt designed to appease a potentially volatile part of the local community,"

    Maybe she should get in touch with Mike Nifong and ask him how well that approach worked for him.

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