Sad, yes, but what a comment!

From Germany comes news of the sad death of a worker at a soup factory.

A worker at a Lübeck soup factory died after getting trapped inside a giant cauldron and cooking to death, daily Bild reported Saturday.

The accident happened at midday on Friday, the newspaper reported, when the man climbed into a cauldron at the Eraso soup factory to clean it.

The cauldron’s lid suddenly closed while the 36-year-old was still inside and began to fill with steam as part of the disinfection process.

A doctor confirmed that the unidentified man had been cooked to death.

That’s very sad, to be sure . . . but what made me spray coffee out of my mouth, all over my desk, was one of the comments from a reader below the article:

I was wondering why I found a wedding ring in my soup last night…

It seems that no matter what the tragedy, someone, somewhere, will find some way to make light of it!



  1. A sad story and a sick joke. For those who have never been trapped, or burnt. The way this man died, trapped alone, slowly being cooked alive, is about the most horrific industrial accident immaginable. I hope his wife did not read the comments.

  2. If there was steam involved, it was probably painful, but not very slow. Your lungs can’t breathe it, so they very quickly shut down, and that’s pretty much the story, unless you can get to them quickly. Since it was for a sterilization process, it was probably superheated to, which means it takes even less time.

    Tragic, but not a “slowly being cooked alive.”

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