Security alert: new crime tactic on the road

I’ve warned before that Mexican drug cartels and their tactics were spreading to this country.  The cartel presence in major cities is by now well documented.  Now it seems that their criminal tactics are being used as well – at least in Chicago, so far, and presumably soon in other cities too.

A group of robbers on the south side of Chicago appear to have taken a page out of the Gulf Cartel or Los Zetas manual for setting up roadblocks in order to carry out violent robberies. Just last week a group of three or four robbers have used a construction area in the city’s south side to set up roadblocks as a trap for motorists.

Once the motorists stop, they were assaulted and robbed, UPI news reported.

The practice bears a striking similarity to a practice already established by both the Gulf Cartel and Los Zetas who set up roadblocks around Mexican border cities to keep their enemies out or to rob unsuspecting motorists.

There’s more at the link.

This is a well-known practice in third world countries as well.  I’ve been the victim of it on several occasions, and (in those countries) learned to be well armed as a matter of principle.  There were always those who argued one should not be armed, because resistance would spark counter-violence and end up killing innocent people as well (and perhaps the resister too).  They’re right;  but failure to resist ended up killing innocent people too, or resulting in attractive women in cars being dragged out and raped.  No.  I learned the hard way never to give in to the demands of criminals.

I suggest my readers start thinking about self-defense in such situations.  Even if you live in a city where you can’t legally be armed, remember that you’re driving a multi-thousand-pound self-propelled projectile that will hit an attacker a lot harder than any bullet if you aim it right.  That’s another good argument for driving an SUV that can go over pavements and other obstacles without suffering damage that might immobilize a lesser vehicle.

Food for thought.



  1. That is the #1 area, among 77 residential areas comprising the city, for violent crime by statistics and well known local knowledge. Getting out of your car there is pretty much putting a "rob or mug me" sign on.

  2. Just out of mild curiosity, Where The F**K are Chicago's Finest ??? while these road blocks are being set up – they take time, people have mobile phones to report them and the cops have, like, cars and helicopters and radios and all that weird hi-tech 20th century stuff the Brits used in Northern Ireland when the IRA tried this stunt in Northern Ireland FORTY YEARS AGO…

  3. Surely you understand by now, NornIron Lad, that "Chicago's finest" merely exist to protect their Masters, protect their Brothers in Blue, and generate revenue. Mere Citizens are on their own. But you can bet these roadblocks will NEVER touch an Only One or an Elite…

  4. Isn't it wonderful that we can learn from our neighbors on how Life on their side of the border can be brought here as well ? Hey – thanks for sharing!

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