Self-defense and (in)sanity

A trial is under way in Utah courts that should give all of us pause for thought . . . not to mention mind-boggled astonishment!

A Utah woman pleaded guilty to encouraging her husband to shoot their neighbor whom she claimed had “telepathically raped” her, authorities said.

Meloney Selleneit, 55, this week pleaded guilty, but mentally ill, to reduced charges of criminal solicitation and possession of a dangerous weapon for the 2011 shooting of Tony Pierce, the couple’s neighbor in Centerville, Utah.

Her husband, Michael Selleneit, 55, was found guilty and mentally ill for his role in the October 2011 shooting.

Michael Selleneit is accused of firing two bullets into the back of Pierce’s neck while the man was on a ladder doing yard work outside his trailer home, according to Paul Child, assistant chief for the Centerville Police. Pierce survived the shooting.

There’s more at the link.

It just goes to show, you never know where a threat may materialize.  I understand from the article that police were aware of the Selleneits and their bizarre theories about Mr. Pierce, but after they’d heard them enough times, I daresay they and Mr. Pierce discounted them as just two more crackpot individuals.  Turns out they were very dangerous crackpots!  Mr. Pierce is lucky to be alive.

Be on your guard, friends.  There are more dangers out there than mere muggers and hoodlums . . .



  1. Like I tell people that I train: Everyone that you meet has one advantage over you–they know who they are and what they are capable of.

  2. Sometimes I wonder if they do know …..

    On another note maybe we should teach our kids how to have physic sex? It could reduce the amount of kids having kids? ROFLMAO

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