Smoking while wearing a mask???


Found on MeWe, a blast from the past (clickit to biggit):

I can almost see Dr. Fauci (along with every other Karen in the country) having a hernia looking at that!  If only . . .

(Of course, if it was a marijuana cigarette poking through the mask, that would probably be OK, because politically correct.)



  1. I looked for the article and only found references in newspapers from 1919 attributing it to Popular Science Magazine.

    And I do believe the principle would work today …LOL

  2. I need one of these. Of course, if what they claim is true about smoking 5 packs of cigarettes a day, then my tar and nicotine levels would kill the coronavirus on contact.

  3. Back in my navy days doing drills and the engineering officer of the watch had drilled a hole in his EAB (emergency air breathing apparatus) so he could smoke while we spent hours in those masks. Submarine life, ahhh the memories

  4. What is 71, Alex?

    Only the young start to smoke…so the answer to above ? must be very low…

    What about second-hand smoke? Complete joke. The Harvard nurse study? JOKE.

    The editors of NEJM and Lancet both said, "The vast majority of medical research in the 21st century is fraudulent".

    I'll take "Smoke facts for 1000" (Average age of lung cancer diagnosis in US.)

  5. Heck, an Army buddy of mine managed to smoke a cigarette while wearing an M17-series chem/bio protective mask.

    He took apart a SKILCRAFT government pen and used the part of the barrel where the retractable point comes out as a coupler between the cigarette and the mask's drinking tube (the M17-series mask has a tube that connects to a fixture on a canteen cap, allowing the wearer to drink safely while in a contaminated environment).

  6. Well, all you have to do is look for photos of concert musicians playing their wind instruments while wearing masks. You know, masks that have holes for the mouthpiece? No. Not kidding. Truly. It's real.

    This mask stuff? It's about containment. But not of the virus. Containment of Freedom and Individual Rights.

    I mean, you see mask wearers driving alone, in their car, with the car closed up. Mask wearers at 3am walking their dogs. Saw someone sunbathing the other day, wearing a mask.

    Control of the mind, control of the human spirit. This… This is how you get the Nazis and the Cultural Revolution and Jonestown and Manson and the BATFE and other cults and freaky mind control groups…

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