Snowboard FAILS!

Now that winter’s almost past, it’s time to relax and enjoy (vicariously) some of the more amusing accidents of boys and their snowboarding toys.



  1. And those are a whole host of examples demonstrating why I'm more than content to leave my snowboard within a foot or two of the ground at all times. 🙂

  2. I tried snowboard twice, second time put me in a hospital with a concussion, since then I've stuck to skis. However I have done some decently high jumps on skis… even after sunset(that was a rush).

  3. I skied every year from about age 10-17–admittedly, only 1-2 days per year–with the Boy Scouts; in college, I took a snowboarding course, and six weeks later, I bought my own gear because I'd picked it up so quickly, got better at it than I ever was at skiing, and enjoyed it much more. (I only bounced my head off an icy slope once. Helmets are a great idea, but I wasn't wearing one at the time.)

  4. PS: My time with the snowboard ending up in a hospital with a concussion was WITH a helmet. I landed on my jaw.

  5. Ouch! Usually it's the wrists that get in the way of such collisions, which is why broken wrists are among the most common snowboarding injuries.

  6. Looks like another weekend at Alyeska … or maybe Moose Pass. Your Significant Other will know. 🙂

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