Specially for dog-lovers

I may be late with this story, but I’ve only just read about it.

Last Christmas the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals in Auckland, New Zealand, had a fund-raising brainwave.

Yes, they recorded a song that only dogs can hear! It was a great success, so much so that they’re thinking of releasing it in the UK and USA this year.

In a BBC report a spokesman described the reactions of their canine listeners:

“The most violent one was a dog that physically attacked the radio when it was played and went quite beserk and totally destroyed it.”

“On the other side of the scale, they just lay down and did nothing.”

Thanks to YouTube, you can find out how your canine companions like doggy music. Call them over, turn up the volume, click “Play” . . . and post a comment to let us know what happens!



  1. Nothin’. Interestin’ scam to collect money from the gullible. Liked the blonde elves, though. Reminded me of a hot Afghan I ran into on the San Diego show circuit.

  2. I agree with the anonymous poster above; most home audio products aren’t designed to reproduce sound above 20 KHz or so.

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