Since we’re all in a dither about the coronavirus pandemic, I thought it might be fun to laugh at our symptoms (medical and otherwise) with some musical medical humor.
Let’s start with a song that’s only a few days old, inspired by the current pandemic. I think it’s a great response to all the fuss. It’s called “Quarantine”, by Mat Best (co-founder of Black Rifle Coffee Company, with which Miss D. and I have a monthly subscription to keep ourselves caffeinated) and Tim Montana.
What about a cure for coronavirus? Ray Stevens has a suggestion, dating back to 1961.
An even older folk remedy, dating back to the mid-1870’s, was brought to us by Lydia Pinkham. It was immortalized in song as early as World War I. “Lily the Pink“, the best-known modern version, was performed by The Scaffold. It reached the top of the charts in England in 1968.
Of course, you may not be sure whether or not you’ve caught the coronavirus, particularly giving the initial testing debacle in this country. Just remember – don’t look up your symptoms on the Internet! The answers can be . . . complicated. Henrik Widegren, a Swedish doctor, explains musically.
And, last but not least, this has nothing to do with the coronavirus, but it’s still one of the funniest medically-themed songs I’ve ever heard. Therefore, just because I feel like it (and besides, it’s my blog, so there!), I’m going to play it anyway. We’ve seen and heard it before in these pages. It’s Bowser and Blue with “Colorectal Surgeon”.
There’s not much to laugh about in these troubled times, but every little helps!
The ballad of Lydia Pinkham belongs in here somewhere. The Lydia Pinkhams Vegetable Compound only left the market in the 70"s.
Geraldine, she had no breastworks
and she could not fill her blouse
So she took, she swallowed, she gargled some Vegetable Compound,
Now they milk her with the cows.
Yeah the whole song is a bit raunchy. But just a bit. Found it on an album called "The earthy Side"
Thanks for the humor. I was wondering if Spike Jones had any "medical" songs; found none on YouTube.
Slightly NSFW in parts
Proving that it's an ill wind indeed that blows nobody good, the current plague is making a mockery of the word NSFW since if you aren't at work, everything is safe.
there's also the very NSFW medical love song by Monty Python's flying circus.
Snowdog: Title? Source? Enquiring minds want to know!