Let’s have some music by a group my father loved. I can remember hearing him play their LP’s over and over again in his study. Here’s Herb Alpert and his Tijuana Brass, from the 1960’s.
Oh, boy, do those bring back memories of my childhood . . .
These guys were my favorites when I was a kid. I'd guard the radio knobs to make sure no one change the station when they came on. I guess me and your dad had very similar tastes.
My mother played those albums until they were worn out. I loved 'em, too.
I still have my albums.
I had to quit playing them when I married Hubby because he would flinch whenever Herb Albert was play. I ask why, he pulled out his trumpet and showed me. The guy is a sloppy player who surrounded himself with a lot of great talent. I was introduced to better trumpet players.
Ah yes, A Taste of Honey… 🙂
The boys at work knew to leave me alone when I put on Herb Albert. A taste that I learned from my father.
Aw, man…. Ain't this a trip down Memory Lane.
I *still* have the original albums. Plus, I've got everything digitally. The only one of those I never learned to play was "South Of The Border". He was definitely under-appreciated as a composer and arranger.
I thought it was pretty funny that no one in the band, including Herb(Ukrainian/Romanian Jew), was Mexican……….
Always loved that music growing up in the sixties……….
Especially that album "Whipped Cream & Other Delights." I think it was quite some time before I realized there was a record inside!
The cover model, Dolores Erickson is still around.
A BANDA is another one of his best songs.
Grew up listening to Dad's vinyl. Loved them, still have the originals. Thanks for this. 🙂
Check the blonde girl dancing in the background on A Taste of Honey. She displays a little belly, and although she's hot, she wouldn't make the cut today. Girls back then had some meat on 'em, and they looked like real women to me.
i heard on college radio the other day that even during the beatles heyday the tijuana brass was outselling them by a wide margin.
this tune has a wonderful reference to "the one with the whipped cream lady."
Look up their history/stats on Infogalactic. Wow!
Herb Alpert was (is?) a classy guy. Netflix has The Wrecking Crew, a documentary about the top LA studio musicians in the 60's and 70's. When the labels wanted a record made, they came to these guys, because they could play anything, and deliver quickly. One of them relates that Herb came to them to create the his first album. When it was wildly successful, he went to the musicians' union, paid a fine (for using the wrecking crew off the books at session rates rather than union rates), and ensure the crew got royalties.