This cat needs a lesson in felinity!

One of YouTube’s featured videos this week is of a rat that’s desperately trying to be friendly with a cat – and the cat’s tolerating it! All I can say is, one day that cat’s going to recover its instincts – and then mousykins better watch out! Peter

Doofus Of The Day #141

Today’s Doofus award goes to PETA: People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. They want a school in the town of Spearfish, South Dakota, to rename itself. The activist animal rights group People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals has asked school officials to change the name of Spearfish High School to “Sea Kitten High… Continue reading Doofus Of The Day #141

Awwwww! redux

Last month I mentioned a report about Rishi, the baby orangutan at The Institute of Greatly Endangered and Rare Species (T.I.G.E.R.S) in Miami, and his two-year-old human friend Emily. An article today suggests that the older orangutans there also have unique ways to express themselves. While most orangutans have to make do with swinging from… Continue reading Awwwww! redux

Crazy cats

Following my ‘Favorite Lolcats of 2008‘ post, I had a couple of e-mails asking me for more funny cat stuff. Well, since you asked . . . Here’s a compilation video of cats doing funky cat stuff. Peter

Sharks at work

I’m fascinated by a series of photographs sent to me by Bob R., a correspondent from Australia. They depict a school of fish off a beach near Wollongong, New South Wales, and a group of sharks feeding off them. Click the pictures for a larger view. In the first, a surfer floats right over the… Continue reading Sharks at work

Most emphatically NOT what I want for Christmas!

I’m aghast at the lengths to which some people will go in pursuit of their ‘art’ – to use the term loosely, of course. Thailand’s ‘Scorpion Queen’ might disagree with me, of course . . . Thailand’s self-proclaimed “Scorpion Queen” has set a new world record by holding a live seven-inch scorpion in her mouth… Continue reading Most emphatically NOT what I want for Christmas!